A Joint Venture of English Teachers from Thiruvananthapuram
മാര്‍ച്ചില്‍. നടക്കുന്ന SSLC പരീക്ഷയ്ക്ക് വേണ്ടി സമ്പൂര്‍.ണ്ണയി ല്‍ വിവരങ്ങള്‍ പൂര്‍ ത്തിയാക്കേണ്ട അവസാന ദിവസം 10.11.12 ആണ്........2013 മാര്‍ച്ചില്‍ നടക്കുന്ന എസ്.എസ്.എല്‍.സി. പരീക്ഷയുടെ വിജ്ഞാപനം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു. പരീക്ഷ 2013 മാര്‍ച്ച് 11 ന് ആരംഭിച്ച് മാര്‍ച്ച് 23 ന് അവസാനിക്കും.......... SIET Aptitude Test notification can be download from the link given below
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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Movie Review

Akira Kurosawa s Dreams (1990)

Kurosawa's Magical Tales of Art, Time and Death

Published: August 24, 1990
LEAD: A solemn little boy comes out of his house one rainy morning to find the sun shining. His mother, practical and no-nonsense, looks up at the sky and says that foxes hold their wedding processions in such weather. ''They don't like to be seen by people,'' she says, and goes about her business.
A solemn little boy comes out of his house one rainy morning to find the sun shining. His mother, practical and no-nonsense, looks up at the sky and says that foxes hold their wedding processions in such weather. ''They don't like to be seen by people,'' she says, and goes about her business.
The casual remark is enough to send the boy into the forest, where the trees are as large and imposing as California redwoods. Even the ferns are taller than he is. The rain glistens within the shafts of sunlight. The boy moves with a certain amount of dread. This is forbidden territory.
In a moment of pure screen enchantment, a strange wedding procession slowly comes into view, the priests in front, followed by the bridal pair, their attendants, their families, their friends and their retainers. They walk on two feet, like people, but that they are foxes is clear from the orangey whiskers on their otherwise rice-powder-white, masklike faces.
The procession appears to be choreographed. The foxes march in unison to the hollow clicking sounds of ancient musical instruments. Every few steps their haughty manner becomes furtive when, as if on cue, they abruptly pause, cock their heads to the side, listen, and then move on.
This is the sublime beginning of ''Sunshine Through the Rain,'' the first segment of the eight that compose ''Akira Kurosawa's Dreams,'' the grand new film by the 80-year-old Japanese master who, over a 40-year period, has given us ''Rashomon,'' ''Throne of Blood'' and ''Ran,'' among other classics. The film opens today at the 57th Street Playhouse.
One might have expected ''Dreams'' to be a summing up, a coda. It isn't. It's something altogether new for Kurosawa, a collection of short, sometimes fragmentary films that are less like dreams than fairy tales of past, present and future. The magical and mysterious are mixed with the practical, funny and polemical.
The movie is about many things, including the terrors of childhood, parents who are as olympian as gods, the seductive nature of death, nuclear annihilation, environmental pollution and, in a segment titled simply ''Crows,'' art. In this, the movie's least characteristic segment, Martin Scorsese, sporting a red beard and an unmistakable New York accent, appears as Vincent van Gogh, beady-eyed and intense, his head newly bandaged.
Van Gogh explains the bandage to the young Japanese artist who has somehow managed to invade the world of van Gogh's paintings, entering just down-river from the bridge at Arles: ''Yesterday I was trying to do a self-portrait, but the ear kept getting in the way.''
''Dreams'' is a willful work, being exactly the kind of film that Kurosawa wanted to make, with no apologies to anyone. Two of the segments may drive some people up the wall.
''Mount Fuji in Red'' is a kind a meta-science fiction visualization of the end of the world or, at least, of Japan. As the citizens of Tokyo panic, Mount Fuji is seen in the distance, silhouetted by the flames from the explosions of nuclear plants in the final stages of melt-down. ''But they told us nuclear plants were safe,'' someone wails.
In ''Mount Fuji in Red,'' the nightmare of nuclear holocaust, expressed in psychological terms in Kurosawa's ''I Live in Fear'' (1955), is made manifest in images of cartoonlike bluntness.
It may be no coincidence that Ishiro Honda, who has worked off and on as Kurosawa's assistant director since 1949, and is his assistant again on this film, is one of those responsible for such Japanese pop artifacts as ''Godzilla,'' ''Rodan'' and ''The Mysterians.''
''The Weeping Demon'' segment is Kurosawa's picture of a Beckett-like world, one ravaged by environmental pollution. ''Flowers are crippled,'' someone says, looking at a dandelion six feet tall. Horned mutants roam the earth. In this last pecking order before the end, demons with two horns eat those with only one.
''Dreams'' is moving both for what is on the screen, and for the set of the mind that made it.
Among other things, ''Dreams'' suggests in oblique fashion that the past does not exist. What we think of as the past is, rather, a romantic concept held by those too young to have any grasp on the meaning of age.
In this astonishingly beautiful, often somber work, emotions experienced long ago do not reappear coated with the softening cobwebs of time. They may have been filed away but, once they are recalled, they are as vivid, sharp and terrifying as they were initially. Time neither eases the pain of old wounds nor hides the scars.
For Kurosawa, the present is not haunted by the past. Instead, it's crowded by an accumulation of other present times that include the future. The job is keeping them in order, like unruly foxes.
The foxes in ''Sunshine Through the Rain'' are not especially unruly, but their power is real and implacable. When the little boy returns home from the forest, he is met by his mother, who has run out of patience with him. She hands the boy a dagger, neatly sheathed within a bamboo scabbard, and tells him the foxes have left it for him.
Since the boy has broken the law protecting the privacy of foxes, they expect him, as a boy of honor, to kill himself. The boy is bewildered. His mother sighs and says that if he can find the foxes again, he might persuade them to forgive him. In that case, he can come home. In the meantime, the door will be locked.
The boy looks hopeful. ''But,'' his mother points out, ''they don't often forgive.''
A little boy is also the ''I'' figure, the dreamer, in another magical segment, ''The Peach Orchard,'' about the fury of some imperial spirits when a peach orchard is chopped down while in bloom. The boy explains that he tried to stop the destruction. Because they believe him, the spirits allow him to see the orchard as it once was.
As these spirits, life-size dolls representing ancient emperors and the members of their courts, begin to sing, the air becomes thick with orangey-pink blossoms and the doll-figures turn into trees. The effect is exhilarating.
In ''The Blizzard,'' a mountain climber is tempted to give in to his frozen exhaustion by a beautiful demon. ''Snow is warm,'' she tells him soothingly. ''Ice is hot.'' ''The Tunnel'' is about a guilt-ridden army officer who must persuade his troops, killed in battle, that they are indeed dead, and that nothing is to be gained by trying to hang onto life.
The film's final episode, ''Village of the Watermills,'' features Chishu Ryu as a philosophical old fellow, the elder of an idyllic village where the air and water are clean, where villagers take no more from nature than they need, and where people live on so long that funerals are times of joy and celebration. The style is lyrical, the mood intended to be healing.
''Dreams'' is absolutely stunning to look at and listen to. It is, in fact, almost as much of a trip as people once thought ''Fantasia'' to be.
More important, though, is that it's a work by a director who has continued to be vigorous and productive into an age at which most film makers are supposed to go silent. Movies are a young man's game. ''Dreams'' is a report from one of the last true frontiers of cinema. ''Akira Kurosawa's Dreams'' is rated PG (''Parental Guidance Suggested''). It includes sequences that could frighten very young viewers.

Written (in Japanese with English subtitles) and directed by Akira Kurosawa; directors of photography, Takao Saito and Mashaharu Ueda; music by Shinichiro Ikebe; produced by Hisao Kurosawa and Mike Y. Inoue; released by Warner Brothers. At the 57th Street Playhouse, 110 West 57th Street. Running time: 120 minutes. This film is rated PG.

''I'' .......... Akira Terao
Vincent van Gogh .......... Martin Scorsese
Old Man .......... Chishu Ryu
Snow Fairy .......... Mieko Harada
Mother of ''I'' .......... Mitsuko Baisho

Collected by
                       Govt. Model BHSS Thycaud

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Std 10
Unit 3
Celluloid Heroes (poem)
Process of strategy

1.To develop literary skill
Special Objectives : To make the learners read and appreciate the poem
Learning Materials :Text book,pictures
Classroom Procedure
1. Chitchatting leads to the poem 'Celluloid Heroes'.
2. Discussion on everyone's experiences in life.
3. Sings and recites the poem.
4. Translated the poem “Celluloid Heroes”.
5. Teacher recites the poem and asks question.
6. One or two learner/s recite/s aloud.
7. Learners sit in group and recite the poem.
8. Learners are innovated to identify rhyming words,stress ,etc.
How does the author establish the influence of film stars in our daily life?

Monday, September 24, 2012


First Terminal Examination 2012 -ENGLISH – Std. X
Answer Key

  1. Ravi thought about the fun of being left alone unconquered/He had never known the sensation of winning the game/ he wanted to be the winner / a champion
  2. a whole slab of chocolate all to himself given by his uncle
  3. now and then getting up and going up to the door to put his ear to the broad crack and listening for sounds of the game.
  4. He alone left unconquered.
  5. The persuer is the seeker (Raghu) and the pursued are the hiders.
  6. Dogged determination
  7. the scorpion
  8. according to their belief, with every movement the scorpion made his poison would move in mothers blood too.
  9. They are innocent but superstitious.
  10. The sting of the scorpion will help the mother to get the sins of her previous birth burned away; the suffering will decrease the misfortunes of her next birth
    the sum of all evil in this unreal world will be diminished by her pain.
  11. The poet is ashamed to continue reading her poem because she has spoken about her imaginary Himalayas to Swami Anand who has direct experience in the Himalayas.
  12. You can read your poems now
  13. The word now indicates that Swami Anand approves of her skill in writing poems. She has reached a maturity period for writing poems.
  14. The Himalayas
  15. The writer thanks God for giving the world the a refreshing drink called tea.
  16. China
  17. It is now the most common drink all over the world.
  18. Leaves
  19. Tea can be grown only in those part of the world where the climate is not too hot and where there is a good rainfall.
  20. A. Narrative is a description of an event imaginary or real. The event is described in all its details.
      Grading indicators for Narrative
  • A suitable title
  • events fixed and developed properly
  • proper beginning and ending
  • Varieties of images used
  • use of language appropriate to the context
  • varieties of sentences
B. Write-up is an analysis, description, or evaluation of an event , a work of art, person etc.
Grading indicators for Write-up
  • A suitable title
  • proper beginning and conclusion
  • organisation of ideas
  • Varieties of sentences used
  • attitude of the writer conveyed
  • command over language
  1. Letter of apology
    Many teachers are confused about the form to be used in this letter. Formal/official or informal?
In my viewpoint, the form is less important here. Even then, an informal letter will do because it is a letter of apology. What has such a letter to do with officiality? Moreover, in all discourses we aim at testing the language proficiency of our learners.
  1. Diary entry need not be a record of person s usual activities of a day. It is usually written as an outcome of an intense feeling generated by a particular event on that day.
    So it should reveal
  • the character s spontaneous thoughts
  • his/her feelings and emotions
    personality features of the character
It is usually a first person narrative. The day and date is clearly mentioned. The ideas neednt be systematically organised and can be scattered
  1. News Report
    Grading indicators
  • A short and catchy Headline
  • Lead paragraph should contain details like time, place, major events etc.
  • the main points are clearly organised and explained
  • a very formal language is used
  • an objective tone is usually maintained
  1. Preparing a paragraph
    This question is also an instance of dispute among teachers and learners. It is based on the extended reading passage. The SCERT guidelines state that upto 15 percentage of the questions can be expected from the extended reading portions. That may be why this question paper contains 12 marks from the Extended Reading portions.
About this question : the main dispute is whether to sequence the points in the proper order first and then to write in a paragraph. Here also my question is why to repeat the same process of writing the same stuff in sequencing first and then in writing another paragraph.....?

After all, the objective of this question is
  • to test whether the learner has comprehended the idea of the reading passage
  • to make him/her write a cohesive paragraph using proper linkers 

    Therefore simply writing the sequenced sentences into a paragraph will not be enough here. (Let the learners add , if they know and wish, more details). The proper use of linkers to connect the ideas is a must. The paragraph should be systematically organised.
25. Profile : each detail given should be used in the profile according to their importance. 
        A heading will make the profile more attractive
  1. Nature cure for Diabetes
    27. Orbit International
    28. Sentence structure Exercises
    29. Words for Daily Use
    30. Orbit International
    31. a. Arent you? / dont you?
    (Here too, to be more precise the answer is Arent you? look at the reply of 
    course I am.)
        b. What is the reason? / What for ? /did swami give the letter to the HM?
        c. he will/can/may.......
        d. the more …......
        e. Where is he now?
    32. a. dark
      b. see
      c. patiently
      d. heard
      e. found
      33. a. to
      b. in / through
      c. a
      d. the
e. when
        34. Father asked Swami whether Samuel punished the boys
        35. Already given in discussions

Sunday, September 23, 2012


S.T.D .10
The Wizard Of Sound

Process Of Strategy

1.To develop the skill of reading.
2. To motivate the readers to leran
and comprehend the passage.
3. To make them prepare questions.
4. To motivate them to answer the
questions given in the text

Learning materials
Textbook,classroom situations

Classroom Procedure
Teacher conduct a disscussion in the classroom by asking the following questions.

How does it feel to be an oscar winner?
What comes first to your mind when you think about films - film stars/directers/technicians?

How can sound enhance the effect of a film?
They understood the techniques to interview a person.They all came out with relevant answers to the questions given to them.
                                                                                                                               B N V V H S S THIRUVALLAM

Monday, September 10, 2012

കൂടംകുളം സമരക്കാര്‍ പ്‌ളാന്റിനരികെ: വന്‍ സുരക്ഷാ വീഴ്ച

സംഘര്‍ഷം ശമനമില്ലാതെ തുടുരന്നു

തിരുനല്‍വേലി: നിരോധനാജ്ഞ ലംഘിച്ച് കൂടംകുളം ആണവ നിലയത്തിലേക്കു മാര്‍ച്ച് നടത്തിയവരെ പൊലീസ് തടഞ്ഞതിനെത്തുടര്‍ന്ന് കൂടംകുളത്തും പരിസരത്തും ഇന്നലെ തുടങ്ങിയ സംഘര്‍ഷാവസ്ഥ ശമനമില്ലാതെ തുടരുന്നു.
കൂടംകുളത്തെ റിയാക്ടറുകളില്‍ ഇന്ധനം നിറയ്ക്കാനുള്ള നീക്കത്തില്‍ പ്രതിഷേധിച്ച് ജനകീയ സമരസമിതിയുടെ ആഭിമുഖ്യത്തില്‍ അയ്യായിരത്തോളം പേരാണ് മാര്‍ച്ചില്‍ പങ്കെടുത്തത്.
മാര്‍ച്ച് തടയാന്‍ സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ വിപുലമായ സമന്നാഹങ്ങള്‍ ഒരുക്കിയിരുന്നുവെങ്കിലും അതെല്ലാം അതിജീവിച്ച് സമരക്കാര്‍ പ്‌ളാന്റിനടത്ത് എത്തിയത് സുരക്ഷാ സൈനികരെ അമ്പരപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുകയാണ്. ഇന്റലിജന്‍സിന്റെ ഈ വീഴ്ചയെ കേന്ദ്ര സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ വളരെ ഗൗരവത്തോടെയാണ് കാണുന്നത്.
സമരസമിതി കണ്‍വീനര്‍ എസ്.പി. ഉദയകുമാറിന്റെ നേതൃത്വത്തിലായിരുന്നു മാര്‍ച്ച്. ആണവ നിലയത്തിന് അര കിലോമീറ്റര്‍ അകലെവച്ച് പൊലീസും ദ്രുതകര്‍മസേനയും ചേര്‍ന്നു മാര്‍ച്ച് തടഞ്ഞു. രണ്ടായിരത്തോളം പൊലീസുകാരെയാണു സംഘര്‍ഷം കണക്കിലെടുത്തു കൂടംകുളത്തു വിന്യസിച്ചത്.
ജില്‌ളാ കലക്ടര്‍ ആര്‍. സെല്‍വരാജും സബ് കലക്ടര്‍ രോഹിണി രാംദാസും മുന്‍കൈയെടുത്തു സമരക്കാരുമായി ചര്‍ച്ച നടത്തി. എന്നാല്‍ പിരിഞ്ഞുപോകാന്‍ വിസമ്മതിച്ച ജനം വഴിയില്‍ കുത്തിയിരുന്നു.
രണ്ടു റിയാക്ടറുകളില്‍ യുറേനിയം നിറയ്ക്കാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞ ദിവസം ആണവ റെഗുലേറ്ററി അഥോറിട്ടി അനുവാദം നല്‍കിയിരുന്നു. ഇതാണു സമരക്കാരെ പ്രകോപിപ്പിച്ചത്. ഇന്ത്യ-റഷ്യ സംയുക്ത സംരംഭമായ കൂടംകുളം പ്‌ളാന്റിന്റെ ആദ്യഘട്ടം ഡിസംബറില്‍ കമ്മിഷന്‍ ചെയ്യാനാണു സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ പദ്ധതി.
എന്നാല്‍, കൂടംകുളം പ്‌ളാന്റ് തുറക്കുന്നത് വന്‍ സുരക്ഷാ പ്രശ്‌നമുണ്ടാക്കുമെന്നാണ് പരിസരവാസികളുടെ ഭയം. മാത്രമല്ല, തങ്ങളുടെ ജീവിതോപാധിയായ മത്സ്യബന്ധനം ഇല്ലാതാക്കാന്‍ ഇതു കാരണമാകുമെന്നും സമരക്കാര്‍ക്കിടയില്‍ പ്രചാരണമുണ്ട്. അത്യാവശ്യം ഉരുക്കുമുഷ്ടി ഉപയോഗിച്ചാണ് സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ സമരത്തെ അടിച്ചൊതുക്കുന്നത്.